Wednesday 11 May 2011

Budget 2011 - Based on Optimism & Tough as Tofu

The federal government’s anticipated return to Budget surplus in fiscal year 2012-13 is built on optimistic assumptions about the short-term strength of the economy that may not be achieved, says the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.

The Institute’s tax counsel, Yasser El-Ansary, says the government is expecting the health of the non-mining sectors of the economy to rapidly improve over the next two years, but based on current indicators, there’s no guarantee that will happen.

A useful summary of the budget provisions has been prepared by the Institute together with Thomson Reuters:

"Tough as Tofu": Stephen Long, economics correspondent for the ABC commented on Budget night: 
The Government's found savings of $22 billion over the four years of the forward estimates, but there's only about $17 billion or so in genuine cuts to expenditure - the rest are tax increases and levies.
The reality is that, over the course of the forward estimates, the genuine cuts to expenditure are pretty much offset by increases in expenditure