Wednesday 24 October 2012

SMSFs - the less change the better

 Bill Kelty on Super
Cartoon by Nicholson from "The Australian" newspaper:

Rumours  abounded prior to the recent Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) that Treasurer Swan was looking to fill a hole in the Budget by attacking the superannuation industry one way or another. Changes to capital gains tax had been mentioned by various commentators.  We saw the significant labour union and industry super figure in Bill Kelty come out and make a strongly worded statement via the weekend papers that the government should "be very careful" when tinkering with the superannuation system.  As it's turned out the only measure to hit  self-managed funds is the increase in the SMSF levy from $191 to $259, which equates to around $32 million a year in extra revenue.
An additional pleasing measure for self managed fund trustees and their advisers to know about is the government's move to amend the law as it relates to the tax exempt status of fund income earned on investments used to support pensions.
The government decision overturns a draft ruling made by the Tax Office last year and will allow the pension earnings tax exemption to continue after the death of a pensioner until the deceased member's benefit has been paid out of the fund.
Andrea Slattery, CEO of the SMSF Professionals Association of Australia said on 22 October 2012:
This is excellent news for the thousands of SMSFs in the pension phase which could otherwise have faced significant capital gains tax bills on the payment of death benefits.
The new law will apply for the 2012-13 tax year.