Sunday 16 July 2017

Superannuation Changes: Concessional Contribution Caps

Concessional Contribution Caps

One of the many changes to the Australian superannuation system that commenced on 1 July 2017 was the modification of concessional contribution caps.

What is a concessional contribution?

Concessional Contributions are contributions made into your self-managed super fund (SMSF) that are included in that SMSF’s assessable income. Such contributions are taxed in your SMSF at a ‘concessional’ rate of 15%, often referred to as ‘contributions tax’. The most common types of concessional contributions are employer contributions, such as super guarantee and salary sacrifice contributions. They may also include personal contributions made by the member for which the member claims an income tax deduction.

What is a contribution cap?

Contribution caps limit the amount that can be contributed for a member each financial year. Caps are indexed annually and a member whose total contributions in a year exceed the contribution caps may be liable for additional tax on the excess contributions.

What are the changes?

As of 1 July 2017, the 10% maximum earnings condition for personal super contributions deductions no longer applies for the 2017-18 and future financial years.
The concessional contributions cap was previously $35,000 for people 49 years and older at the end of the previous financial year and $30,000 for everyone else. Effective 1 July 2017, the concessional contributions cap is $25,000 for everyone, regardless of age. This new cap will be indexed in line with average weekly ordinary time earnings (AWOTE), and rounded down to the nearest $2,500.

Furthermore, from 1 July 2018, you are able to ‘carry-forward’ any unused amount of your concessional contributions cap. This gives you the ability to access unused concessional contributions on a rolling basis for five years, however amounts carried forward that are not used after five years will expire. 2019-20 is the first year that you can access unused concessional contributions. There is also a provision that you can only carry-forward your unused concessional contribution cap if your total superannuation balance is less than $500,000 at the end of 30 June of the previous financial year.